Sunday, March 2, 2008

No More Mondays

No More Monday’s revolutionary ways to discover your true calling
Dan Brown
January 15 2008
Self Help
Dan Miller one of America’s top experts on the issues of career and calling has written a book that allows people to discover what it is they truly are made to be doing with their lives. It also helps us over come the stumbling blocks we place in front of our own success. As a result we end up doing more then working our lives away at some job but also allowing us to enjoy a career that matches what we are here to do.
I have read ad listened to many programs designed to help motivate you to your path in life. They all helped in the beginning it was at the moment life stalled and I just did not have the energy to go on where Mr. Miller showed how different he was from the rest of the pack. Because of him, I carry around a picture of a donkey with me when I am too tired to go on. Simple tricks like this one help you over the rough patches. Everyone else I fear just assumes that rough patches will not occur once you find your path. Thank you Mr. Miller for avoiding that assumption.

How did I get so busy

How Did I Get So Busy.?
Valorie Burton
Time management / Self Help
Being busy has become a lifestyle. Super- sized to do lists and over crowded days have taken over our lives. Nothing is relaxing any more. People don’t eve sleep any more. How did we get this way and more importantly how do we fix it? If you Recognize this in yourself then this is the book for you.
This book came to me at just the right time I was so busy that I cried all night. This book doesn’t ask us what we should be doing and aren’t . It doesn’t tell you to work harder. It asks you to spend five minutes a day thinking about what matters and how you can spend your time doing that and spend less on the things that just keep us busy.
I love it it works use this book